Holiday Currency Exchange - Travel news, tips and information Blog

Currency best rates

Currency best rates

Here are the current holiday exchange rates available, as of 15.30 on 23rd June 2014: Argentina Peso 12.8340 Australian Dollar 1.7671 Bahamanian Dollar 1.5290 Bahrain Dinar 0.6213 Barbados Dollar 3.2278 Belize Dollar 3.0000 Bosnia Peso...

Mobile roaming charges

Mobile roaming charges

Many people travelling abroad will have suffered huge mobile phone bills after going abroad.  This isn’t always just because they have travelled long distances either, a day trip to France can end you up...

EHIC cards

EHIC cards

Lots of people have heard of the EHIC card (previously E111). You need to register to get a card (which is free) and then the European Health Insurance Card entitles you to treatment in...

London to Paris 2014

London to Paris 2014

This years event kicks off next week and looks set to be a good one. The weather looks clear and a little cooler than this week and towns and villagea along the route arenl...

Current rates

Current rates

Here are the current best rates we are seeing online: Euro 1.2204, US Dollar 1.657, Turkish Lira 3.495 – great time to compare and buy all rates as the pound is doing so well...

Mexican Pesos

Mexican Pesos

The national currency in Mexico is the Peso.  Many places will however accept the United States Dollar, the Canadian Dollar, or the Euro. You should plan to get any Pesos you want either before...

Jazz in Montauban

Jazz in Montauban

This year the Jazz festival in Montauban is running 27th June – 7th August.  Full details can be found on the official site here. If you are travelling to the festival then train is...

Atlantic Road, Norway

Atlantic Road, Norway

This has to be one of the worlds must sees. The first picture you see on the Visit Norway Atlantic Road page should be enough.  Its is only a 5mile stretch of road, but...