What bank holidays are left in 2023?

The year 2023 is well underway, and with it comes a number of exciting bank holidays for people across the UK to look forward to. Whether you’re planning a long weekend away or just a day to relax, there are plenty of bank holidays to choose from. Here is a breakdown of the remaining bank holidays for 2023:
Easter Monday: Monday, 17 April 2023 – After the Good Friday holiday, Easter Monday provides another day off for people to enjoy with their family and friends. This is a popular day for many to plan activities such as egg hunts or visits to local attractions.
Early May Bank Holiday: Monday, 1 May 2023 – This holiday falls on the first Monday of May and is a day off for most people. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy the warmer weather and get out and about.
Spring Bank Holiday: Monday, 29 May 2023 – The Spring Bank Holiday is a day off for most people in the UK, and marks the end of May half-term for many schools. It’s an ideal time to plan a family getaway or simply enjoy a relaxing day off.
Summer Bank Holiday: Monday, 28 August 2023 – The Summer Bank Holiday is a time for people to enjoy the last few days of summer. Many people take this opportunity to visit beaches or enjoy outdoor activities with friends and family.
Christmas Day: Monday, 25 December 2023 – Christmas Day is one of the most popular holidays in the UK, and is celebrated by many with family gatherings, gifts, and festive meals.
Boxing Day: Tuesday, 26 December 2023 – Boxing Day is celebrated on the day after Christmas and is a popular time for shopping and sporting events.
With these bank holidays to look forward to, there are plenty of opportunities to plan time off work and enjoy some rest and relaxation. Whether you’re planning a family getaway or just looking for a day to relax, these bank holidays offer plenty of options for everyone.